
MAC vscode 단축키(shortcut) 정리

일공ILGONG 2022. 6. 23. 14:29

내가 보려고 작성하는 vscode 단축키 정리 on mac


cmd + p : Search file by name

cmd + o : Open file or folder

cmd + i : Search suggestions

cmd + u : move to the first line

cmd + t : Search the variable name on the total files

cmd + e 또는 cmd + f : Search the varable name on cursor at the current file

cmd + w : close the current window

cmd + q : terminate the vscode program

cmd + l : block the current line

cmd + j : open or close the terminer

cmd + g : move the blocks of searched varibles

cmd + d : Change the search bar status (lower or upper bound, absolute)

cmd + b : open or close the sidebar


cmd + shift + k : remove the current line

cmd + shift +  ← or → : block the selected range expandable


cmd + alt + k : bookmark

cmd + alt + j : move to the prior bookmark

cmd + alt + l : move to the next bookmark

cmd + alt + ← or → : change the current window

cmd + alt + or ↓ : multiple cursors